Refining Your Use of DBT in Individual and Group Therapy

This workshop has been cancelled. We hope to offer this workshop in 2021. 

Presented by: Alex Chapman, Ph.D. & John Wagner, Ph.D.

Date: Thursday – Friday, October 22nd-23rd, 2020
Time: 9 AM – 4:30 PM
Location: C680 HSBC Hall 800 Robson St Vancouver BC (Downtown Vancouver)

Download poster and registration form (Word doc – fillable form for Windows).

Download poster and registration form (PDF).

About the workshop

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT; Linehan, 1993a; 1993b; 2015a; 2015b) has become a well-established, empirically supported treatment for borderline personality disorder (BPD) and other related problems. Further, increasing evidence shows that DBT can be effective with youth and a variety of other populations. Comprehensive DBT includes individual therapy, group skills training, phone coaching (the therapist’s availability by phone to help coach clients in skills), and a consultation team that meets weekly to support therapist motivation and skill. This workshop is ideal for participants who have had some previous training and experience in DBT, which can include the 3-day DBT skills workshop offered yearly by our Centre or other applicable workshops. The purpose of this workshop is to take a closer look at the challenges that arise in application of DBT in individual therapy and/or group sessions.

The training format and content for this workshop will be dynamic and flexible, with an emphasis on active attendee participation. Day 1 will focus largely on organizing and implementing individual therapy in DBT, and Day 2 will focus on refining and improving DBT skills training, whether clinicians are teaching skills in a group format or in an ad-hoc manner individually with their clients. Participants will be asked to complete a brief case formulation form and formulate key consultation questions in advance of the workshop, which will then be used the further inform topics covered in the training. Focusing primarily on participants’ challenges and questions, the presenters will provide feedback and demonstrate how to navigate difficult moments in therapy. The presenters will also focus on key elements of effective individual therapy and skills training, using didactics, video recordings and live demonstrations as springboards for training and practice exercises. Group participation will be strongly encouraged.

More specifically, the goals for this unique 2- day training include:

  • Improve clinicians’ understanding and use of theory, principles, and case formulation to understand and guide DBT.
  • Describe and discuss ways to effectively use strategies and principles to navigate and structure individual therapy and DBT skills training.
  • Practice identifying some key elements of adherent DBT sessions.
  • Improve the teaching and use of DBT skills.
  • Describe, demonstrate, and practice ways to navigate challenges in DBT individual therapy and skills training.

Recommended Reading

Linehan, M. M. (1993), Cognitive-behavioral treatment of borderline personality disorder. The Guilford Press

Linehan, M.M. (2015), DBT skills training manual, 2nd edition. The Guilford Press

Who Should Attend

For the purposes of this workshop, we will assume participants have an introductory or intermediate understanding of core DBT theory, principles, strategies, and skills. As such, our teaching will focus on areas that clinicians would like further elaboration on or challenges they need help with. Participants should already have some familiarity with the core DBT texts (Linehan, 1993, Cognitive-behavioral treatment of borderline personality disorder; Linehan, 2015, DBT skills training manual, 2nd edition).

About the Speakers

Dr. Alex Chapman

Alexander L. Chapman, Ph.D., R. Psych., is the President of the DBT Centre, Professor in the Department of Psychology at Simon Fraser University (SFU), as well as a DBT-Linehan Board of Certification, Certified DBT Clinician™.

He completed a post-doctoral fellowship working with Dr. Marsha Linehan, the developer of DBT, and was among the first cohort of certified DBT clinicians by the Linehan Board of Certification.  He regularly consults with mental health providers working with complex psychological problems and has provided workshops across Canada and the US. Full bio.


Dr. John Wagner

John Wagner, Ph.D., R. Psych., the Director of the DBT Centre of Vancouver, an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of British Columbia, as well as a DBT-Linehan Board of Certification, Certified DBT Clinician™.

He completed a post-doctoral fellowship working with Dr. Marsha Linehan, the developer of DBT, and was among the first cohort of certified DBT clinicians by the Linehan Board of Certification.  He regularly consults with mental health providers working with complex psychological problems and has provided workshops across Canada. Full bio. 

Among the leading experts in DBT in Canada, both Drs. Chapman and Wagner regularly train and consult with mental health providers across the country.

CE Credits

The DBT Centre of Vancouver is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. The DBT Centre of Vancouver maintains responsibility for the program as a provider of continuing education (CE) activities. This workshop is eligible for up to 12 CE credits. Participants are required to sign-in and out in order to be eligible for CE credits. Unfortunately we are not able to award CME credits for physicians.

Accommodations and Travel

Participants are responsible for arranging their own travel and accommodations to and within Vancouver. UBC Robson Square is located in downtown Vancouver and is close to public transportation hubs, including Skytrain, and the Canada Line. For more information about accommodations, visit; information on public transportation is at

Cancellation Policy

The DBT Centre of Vancouver will provide refunds up to 14 days prior to a scheduled workshop and are subject to a $50 admin fee. Refunds will not be provided after October 8th, 2020.  








$No Price Set!


$No Price Set!


Registration is not available at the door. Workshop fees include: workshop handouts and slides, morning and afternoon snack, plus letter of attendance. Participants are responsible for their own lunch.

Register and Pay as a Professional by Cheque or Credit Card

1. Download and complete the registration form:

2. Send completed registration form with payment,

  • by email to
  • by fax to 604-569-1230
  • by mail to DBT Centre of Vancouver
    1200 Burrard St, Suite 1040
    Vancouver BC V6Z 2C7

You will receive a confirmation email within one business day. If you don’t receive confirmation of registration, please email